Still pregnant after abortion mumsnet. Just cramps now and again but only mild.
Still pregnant after abortion mumsnet It is a massive change but abortion is something you won’t get over if you have the slight doubt in your head that it’s not the right thing to do . Not here to judge at all, I made the same choice to terminate what would have been my third child 7 months ago now. As for my ex I’ve not heard a thing , in fact he’s blocked my number since he saw I removed him from my socials , I didn’t want to see him living his playboy lifestyle whilst I was suffering daily with this decision . Only bleed for a week and had strong cramps for just the one day that I took the medical abortion pill. But my health was not getting any better. It does seem very strong OP. I called Marie Stopes and they said it can take up to 48 hours so to call back after then if I’ve still not bled a lot. Hi everyone, I am really wanting my 3rd baby now but I'm sorry worried my surgical abortion has effected my ability to carry a baby :(I have two beautiful children ages 3&5 I had no problems carrying them, then I fell pregnancy in may 2019 but due to severe sickness I wasn't able to look after my children and depression soon kicked in, I wasn't thinking clearly HI, I am probably over thinking this but I had a medical abortion 9 days ago and still 'feel' pregnant. I feel so much regret I don't know how I can get past it. I had a medical abortion (pills by post) just over 3 weeks ago. The second time was harder. I hope this continues to be an option even when covid is not around anymore. I expected it to be a bit irregular but it still doesn’t stop me from worrying! I took a pregnancy test yesterday which was negative after my TOP pregnancy test last week which was also negative. The one thing about a really really shit pregnancy. i had my medical abortion at 5 weeks - 4 weeks & 2 days ago (from miso dose) my periods are normally always around 28 days. You will get there. ' Your periods should return about 4-6 weeks after having an abortion. i do have moments of sadness about who the Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Midwives strongly suggested she have a surgical abortion as they thought there would be defects. Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Recovery after surgical abortion- what’s your experiences? Some of my pregnancy symptoms disappeared straight away like the nausea whilst others are still here. The services I listed help couples The same thing happened to me when I was young. I've never wanted kids and when I found out I was pregnant I was immediately 100% certain I wanted an abortion. I've just done a test today almost 4 weeks after the termination and it had a faint positive line, I then done another and it was the same and I'm worried I've became pregnant again but hoping it is just my hormones still in my body. :( I have just found out today that i am pregnant, i pr I have one child who is 8 years old and we are best friends. All pregnant women kind of have to do this because even well established couples sometimes break up during pregnancy or soon after a baby is born, but it’s true that you have less experience and info to go on with a new relationship like this one. I was told. dont get me wrong the pregnancy was hard mentally as was paniced that something would be wrong (i still have days when i do) but i also knew that i would have been worried with any pregnancy. After advice or similar experiences please. I bled heavy the week after it and then it was very light second week but for the past 4 days iv been really heavy again! ive had an abortion a long time ago and I still think about it now, I don’t regret it but I’ve always said I would never do it again. I didn’t have a period during the time I thought I was still pregnant. I’m still in two minds whether to keep the baby or not. I definitely wasn’t mentally prepared for the pain of labour and was ill for 6 weeks after. That might’ve been due to hormones changing etc. I have never been as low as I was then in my life (I was also 39). “A woman can ovulate [release an egg for fertilization] and become pregnant before her next menstrual cycle You may have some tissue left inside still from the first one if you have not had a period yet as the abortion was not that long ago this may be why there is still a positive result I had one in lockdown in October (non surgical ) and it took about 8+weeks before I got a negative result and my first period didn’t come till after that Failed Abortion- Continued pregnancy after finding out. I felt pushed into an abortion by parents etc I didn’t think clearly about what I was doing and it all happened so fast. I hope you get the result you are wanting Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. I took the next set of 4 tablets the next day and I cried after doing it as I knew there was no going back. No cramping, tiny bit of bleeding that day but hardly anything. The worse of the sickness is now over but still feeling quite naseous, strong sense of smell, food aversions. i thought it worked the days after. I took the first stage of the medical abortion 10:50am on Wednesday and the second stage (4 vaginal tablets) 11:00 Thursday. I envy these women that feel amazing In pregnancy. I still haven’t got my first period and was wondering how long after a medical abortion should I get my period. I had no interest in children whatsoever and had no idea where to begin. Anyways I had sex with my partner about 3 weeks after that. Quite soon after I had a lot of cramps that would Hi OP, I'm in a similar situation to you. Bleeding after abortion 6 replies cherrytomato1 · 22/11/2023 20:12 I had an abortion almost 6 weeks ago when I was 8 weeks pregnant. . The pregnancy was quite far along and she decided to keep the baby. I have had 2 If you have no idea how far along you are the first step is getting a scan ASAP. Grieve for the pregnancy that did not continue, by all means. The first pill would end the pregnancy, then 48 hours later I would insert 4 more pills into my vagina to miscarry and 4 hours after that, insert another 2 to continue bleeding. We would need a long weekend to complete the process. the baby is now 3 months old and i am very thank ful for another chance. It come up positive straight away. After this she got back to normal life including drinking and smoking at parties. I am 6 weeks and terrified at the thought of a medical abortion. Mumsnet hasn't checked the qualifications of anyone posting here. This was mainly because we were relocating to the other side of the world 6 weeks after we found out. Both went on to keep the remaining pregnancy (although one didnt actually know she was still pregnant until very, very late on in the pregnancy). I started using ovulation sticks after I got a negative pregnancy test as you can't ovulate until all the hgc is gone. I’m 11 weeks now, & sad to say I feel very little joy about the whole thing. I feel terrible however I know Iv made the right decision as I work full time and my son is quite poorly. Hi @RoomOnTheBrooms I had a surgical termination a couple of weeks ago so waiting my first period but I imagine hormones are all over the place for quite a while after, even if your cycle has gone back to normal it's still a big thing to recover from emotionally even if you were 1,000% sure it was the right choice. Hopefully things will calm down for you & next cycle My GP refered me to the EPU at the local hospital for a scan which showed a gestational sac, yolk sac and embryo measuring 1. I most certainly don’t feel pregnant. Has anyone had any experiences of getting pregnant so soon after a abortion or is it most likley i will get my period first. I don’t regret it at all. 5 yr old DS , I fell pregnant about 5 months after the abortion and I can honestly say that if I hadn’t had DS I don’t think I would be here now. I had an abortion back in January and it's still affecting my life every single day. Five days ago spotting got heavier and I passed these big clot I know that was the pregnancy. Pregnancy Conception Style & Beauty Chat Relationships Parenting Baby names Telly addicts Property/DIY Women's rights Had a scan today and it shows the abortion failed, the baby is still alive! And I'm 13 weeks. Boobs are still tender (not as bad) and i am running to the toiler (but I am prone to UTI's) is this normal? I have had a a lot of bleeding which is now tailing off. I fell pregnant last year accidentally and i knew at the time that having the baby wasn't the right th I was left standing alone in unbearable pain and at this point I was 4 weeks gone, so very hormonal and sensitive. It was just before Christmas and so I had Three weeks ago I had a medical abortion because the discovery of a surprise pregnancy took me completely aback. It will be my 5th week tomorrow still bleeding although very Hi all. I felt gross. I really did. Bleeding continued, symptoms remained (although not so bad) & pregnancy test still positive. The first set of 4 pills I took was excruciating, with terrible cramping to the point I was scared to take the second two but after they had been put in my cheek I had dull cramping and then went to the toilet, where without being Hi, so I had a medical abortion just over 5 weeks ago. Am scared too, did d/c at 8week , but still pregnant after a week went for scan and the heartbeat is there. Has anybody here had an abortion that late in the pregnancy? What was it like for you? My emotions are so mixed right According to Patricia Lohr, Medical Director at The British Pregnancy Advisory Service(BPAS): 'There is no need for women to wait a lengthy period of time before trying to conceive again if they want to get pregnant. After a lot of soul searching and sadness, we decided not to keep it. I believe in a more holistic approach to medicine . I’d say definitely when it’s been 4 weeks ring the clinic but even sometimes they say that it’ll go down and if you have to go back for a scan they make you redo a test on that morning before you go cause one day the test could be positive and the next day not x makes sure you’re doing it with first I'd say after a week it's normal for any test to still be positive (depending on how far along you were) so I wouldn't worry yet, test again next week and should be a noticeable difference, they say to test after 3 weeks so if it's still positive at that point then call whoever provided the pills & they can advise on what to do. It was never really heavy but it's still as bad as it was the day I knew it was the right thing to do. I was very early in the pregnancy and in no way did I think of it as a 'baby'. I still think about the baby now but I know it wasn’t meant to be. I didnt feel pregnant anymore since all symptoms were gone right away. At the time of my abortion, telemedicine (pills-by-post) was an option for women up to 10weeks pregnant. Due to the virus the only way your able to have an abortion at the moment is via the pill. Within an hour of inserting the tablets vaginally, I began heavy bleeding, lots of different sized clots and severe cramping. On the 6th of October (so 3 weeks ago yesterday) I had a surgical abortion. He still didn’t believe me, he then started saying if I am it’s not his. @SudokuZebra I don’t believe in medication for depression , I’m bipolar and I’m un medicated. I still haven't had my period and me and my partner are trying to get pregnant again, we had been trying 2 days after the abortion. The test 3 week after abortion confirmed its success. I keep thinking about my baby and wishing I was still pregnant. Home pregnancy tests are super sensitive and can pick up quite low levels of HCG (can't remember the exact level). I had a 9month old My abortion would be at 13 weeks, maybe 14 weeks. The abortion failed to find out I was still pregnant at 10 weeks with a follow up scan and told baby was 'doing everything it needs to do' healthy and active. It did lift a bit for me after 20 weeks. it was a strange experience. I I'm currently 5 weeks with a planned pregnancy. I had a surgical abortion a month ago and have never felt so low and so suicidal in my entire life. I really hope you can feel better soon. So here it goes, on the 6th June I had a medical abortion after being told I could be pregnant with twins and one off which was in my fallopian tube (all turned out to be normal and just one). Despite being on the pill I’ve found out I’m pregnant a week after splitting. MNHQ have commented on this thread Suicidal after abortion 62 replies Summersam97 · 25/11/2024 11:33 Hello. I had a medical abortion 2 weeks ago passed a clot nothing extremely large then the bleeding starting to get light then I was spotting. Night time and early morning is the worst, I just lie in bed and can't stop crying. I had HG diagnosed with nausea (following a pregnancy which I had HG with actual sickness). Depression 8 replies ej1608 But instead I'm still spending so much time every day imagining what could have been and trying to problem solve some of the issues I let stop me - such as comparing the cost of childminders vs nurseries or reading about 'older' mothers. I didn't even realise abortions could fail. After the medical abortion took place at home and I saw the foetus (horrible experience), I regretted the whole thing right Thats not a reason to have an abortion. Then in April, I didn't get my periods. Contact your abortion provider asap. Pregnancy symptoms should go away a few days after your abortion. I always felt like I wanted to have another one and knew I’d regret it if I didn’t. Fast forward 2-3 weeks, I I had a negative test quick quickly after my medical abortion. I had a medical abortion 5 weeks ago now. Even if you bleed, you can still have a continuing pregnancy. but you really do need to make an appointment for proper contraceptive advice, if you are going to have unprotected sex and you don’t want to have a Going back to my abortion there was a tiny tiny bit of pregnancy tissue left which they said should come out on my period and not concerning. Hope you are ok. 24 replies Firstmom264 · 24/10/2023 19:26 I know there are mixed opinions on abortion so I will give I had a surgical abortion initially so was never told to do a test at 3 weeks as they're meant to be almost certain everything was removed, just to call back if you still have any problems after 3 weeks. Considering I have a positive pregnancy test I'd like to know what's going on really. I couldn’t function at all. Fast forward to last week - I started bleeding very heavily at exactly 4 weeks post medical abortion. Hi OP, I found out I was pregnant with my third child and it was totally unplanned, our 2 aren’t even at school yet so very young. I had an abortion nearly 3 weeks ago and I feel awful about it. Hello, sorry if this is not the correct place to ask this i just do not know were else to go. All the time still feeling the nausea, sore boobs and tiredness it was time to take the pregnant test provided by BPAS, it came back Positive! I knew it I had a feeling I was still pregnant but still knew it could be my hormones causing the result so I waited another week. Anyway felt extreme guilt, cried my eyes out when I took the tablets. Told to go back in 10 days to re asses as still not clear. So now I have a whole week of wondering what the hell has gone on. Her circumstances were very different (failure of contraception after she slept with someone she knew, but not v well - he refused to have anything to do with her when she told him. Hopefully not your case, in these 2 people I knew both had been unknowingly pregnant with twins and had lost one due to the abortion and the other stuck. I wish there was more information or research out there on women's health/hormonal stuff after loss or abortion which could help us understand some of these feelings! Hey, sorry I have no experience of abortion so cannot help but I have a consultation on the phone Thursday with MSI. I had a normal period and a late positive pregnancy test on my first pregnancy, it turned out to be ectopic but the gp said it is normal for some people to bleed heavily at implantation and it can happen on and off for weeks. Watch Save Share Surgical abortion and pregnancy after 17 replies have never regretted it in the slightest and still needed counselling to get over it - I would urge you Hi hope you’re ok. Sickness instantly stopped. when I looked back to my prev cycle I seemed to have about 30-32day cycles and ovulated around day 19-22 and tested a strong positive about 17dpo. You’d still have Hi, I had a surgical abortion 5 weeks ago and am still waiting for my first period. I took a test on Wednesday as recommended by Marie stopes but it was negative. Being pregnant just felt completely wrong. Sending lots of love but my friend was in a similar situation and fell prevent soon after the abortion however couldn't bond/love her second baby because she was so in love with the aborted baby. It sounds like definitely leaning towards keeping the baby and that you’re excited about it. Later found out she was still pregnant. I was 7 weeks pregnant at the time. How long after an abortion do symptoms of pregnancy go away? Abortion is incredibly safe and effective, so it’s really rare that you’ll still be pregnant after an in-clinic abortion or taking abortion pills. Pregnancy this was in 2019 and we now have a 2. I just felt tired for the 2 days after but think a lot of that was from the emotion of it all. I was terrified with this news. And likewise, many, many, women don’t. the negative pregnancy test was a start for me after the heart ache went through, sending my thoughts to you 🦋 You should feel "less pregnant" in two days and your boobs should hurt considerably less in 5 days. It's a good idea to wait until then befor I found out I was pregnant fairly early at about 4 weeks to my partner (now ex) we had only been together for a year however he had been living with me and my two children 8 Abortion is incredibly safe and effective, so it’s really rare that you’ll still be pregnant after an in-clinic abortion or taking abortion pills. Both of our DC were IVF babies and this pregnancy was unexpected (we were told almost impossible to have natural pregnant by our consultant) but after absolutely agonising over the decision we decided we couldn’t cope with a 3rd baby. All very straight forward, small amount of bleeding on the day followed by a honey/caramel coloured discharge everyday since. A while ago, I found out I was pregnant and he forced me into having an abortion well he didn't force me, but he said he wanted nothing to do with me or the baby if I kept it, and that id never see him again. Today not much blood at all. I felt exactly the same as you in the early days. X. Extreme indigestion after eating just small amounts of food. A continuing pregnancy is a pregnancy that continues to develop even after the use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol. I forced myself to disconnect. OP I felt horrific in the first two months after my abortion. Hi. The second pills are taken to expel the pregnancy out. Six months later, I got pregnant with a very much wanted baby. I fell into the latter and still experience regret over 20 years later. I do think a part of the reason as to why I was not worried was because the symptoms of pregnancy that I had previously experienced, ie nausea, headaches, dizziness Thank you for sharing, that's really insightful and helpful e. Had unprotected sex 3rd Oct, the ladies at BPAS said my cycle started again the day after abortion so by that, I shouldn’t have been ovulating but where is my period. Failed medical abortion? Mine failed after rather painful contractions and passing of a big clot. Please be gentle with me. Please help me if you can. Still don’t feel myself and I will be nervous until I get my period! But I don’t feel like there is anything left now, and a negative pregnancy test finally put my mind at ease. Regret after abortion. We made the decision to terminate the pregnancy. Hi, please I need help I had a surgical abortion 06/17/23 was 5weeks + 3 days since I had that after 3 days have been feelings pregnancy symptoms more and more, my boobs getting bigger, I can’t eat, morning sickness, vomit. Have any of you experienced positive pregnancy tests after miscarriage- and was it a false alarm or were you pregnant? I had a miscarriage early December at 5 weeks. the morning/day after my symptoms are still here and i feel i the flutter in my tummy. i know i went quite crazy- even looking at sperm donation on the However due to how mentally stressed I was after weeks of being in limbo over my decision, I took the first tablet the second I got through the door without even thinking about it any further as I couldn’t take it. It settled down after the first 2 months and within 6 months I was back to my usual self. Worth noting that you might find random spotting happening for a few cycles - seems to be common! Also, I'm so sorry for your loss. When I was 18 I fell pregnant unexpectedly. Allow yourself I thought the abortion was successful. I took a regular pregnancy test about a week after the low sensitivity pregnancy test given to me by the abortion provider which showed a negative result, and then called my abortion provider. Positive tests, no miscarriage symptoms but also no period. So the second set of pills, I took at 12. Even if you're taking the pills in-clinic i hope my experience can still be helpful for you! Told to follow up with a pregnancy test they had given me, 3 weeks after. I then looked that I had last had sex June 6th, which was about 2 2 1/2 weeks after this heavier bleed, however I still bled a little after that although a lot less. I had a miscarriage over a year ago and I had taken a morning after pill, I still feel guilt that that was the cause if my miscarriage. the newborn phase is a breeZe. Not too painful slightly crampy but easily manageable and I only took paracetamol. ) and it was very difficult for her at the time, but she wouldn't have been without her son Hi all, I had a 13 week surgical abortion after a lot of thought at the end of November. I’ve met someone and we are so happy, I’m now 17 weeks pregnant and although I’m scared it feels right. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, I went on to have another baby-). I took pregnancy test again and it was clear positive. I never had a moment of indecision or upset, and I sometimes actually forget about it. I was wondering if anyone else has had a failed abortion and gone on to have the baby? one going through such pain after abortion. In theory, the first pill stops the pregnancy, so it may be too late. I randomly decided to do a Hi, I found out I was pregnant yesterday (our 4th cycle trying) and I had an abortion at 5 weeks after falling pregnant pretty much exactly a year ago. Pregnancy test still positive after 2 weeks. ) I've had abortion too - though for reasons different from yours. Since then I have met someone and everything is perfect, he’s perfect. I debated an abortion very seriously, but ultimately didn’t go through with it. i took the first pill on Sunday the 4th at 8+1 days and after 50 mins I was sick so I called the BPAS helpline and they said because it was in my system it should still work. First i just thought its my body being confused, but then nausea came. I was 37 and my children at the time were 12 and 9. She was living with all this guilt and thought falling pregnant would help and sort everything but it just made her feel so much worse. Watch thread Flip Watch Save Share Pregnant after an abortion. I am still having bleeding - though not a lot but it's still present. I feel really up and down, finding it hard to distract myself and often feel a bit like I'm losing my mind in some ways I wish I could I continued to bleed lightly for about 2 weeks. , wondering if I'd perhaps never had the accidental pregnancy and abortion whether I'd be considering it now or not. Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Newsletters. Thank you for all the replies, I done the test from the hosptial to confirm the termination worked and it did. Just cramps now and again but only mild. I really understand wanting a baby after abortion because I Yes I did and sadly made no difference at all, did they work with you? And if so which ones? I have decided to not have an abortion, I knew I’d never be able to get over the guilt. I was only 4-5 weeks pregnant at the time. My partner and I are facing an unplanned pregnancy at a time when we are still in rented accommodation, and my divorce has not yet come through (it is taking a very very long time. I couldn't finish it as it was all still so raw. I took the pills when I was 7 weeks pregnant, when I went for an ultrasound, the fetus was measuring 12 weeks. In this case, the abortion has failed completely and the woman remains pregnant. How did you feel straight after your abortion and did it take long to come to terms with it afterwards. (failed morning after pill) pregnancy in August @scaredandanxious01 thank you so much for your reply, feeling so alone and have an older child so having to pretend I’m fine 😪 it’s still really slow, when I wipe after going to the toilet there is a little blood but not a lot at all. He is now 15 and absolutely fine! How are you now since having to have more tablets really feeling for you having to of had gone through that again. Went to the clinic Wednesday had my first tablet, took the second set 24 hours later nothing happened within 3 hours so took the 3rd set of tablets about half an hour after this start cramping nothing more than bad period pains, went to the loo every 15 mins and passed clots 3 times, didn’t want to look so not sure if I definitely I am still getting the odd cramping feeling, it’s been 3 weeks since the bleeding stopped and I and hopeful my period is on the way now. Theyve told me I could still be pregnant. How many weeks past abortion were you when had to take more tablets? Did you have a scan. But do not invalidate the reasons your head, as you say, made at the time. Unprotected of course because I had been told I’d been given the injection. So basically I’m still waiting on my period. I'm 35 and 36 soon and after years of disappointment I thought that this news would be what I wanted but its come as a shock and not what me and my husband want anymore. I have 3dc so know this feeling. Today made coffee again & the smell made me nauseous. OP posts I think it’s completely safe to get pregnant straight after an abortion. so I already have a 15 month old who is still co sleeping and still breast feeding all night and in the day) I have found out I’m pregnant. The 24 week cut off is the cut off for termination for any reason at all, it is still possible to terminate after this time but there must be certain criteria, you may meet this criteria based on the risk this pregnancy poses to you and your health and mental health. I waited another week but was still getting a very positive test so contacted my EPU. 8 mm. This pain remained and became the baseline of my heavy heart. But I knew in my heart I couldn’t have an abortion ( had to terminate for medical reasons at 20 weeks before as baby was very poorly). Hi I found out 18 months ago I was pregnant with my 3rd child. My pregnancy tests were still coming back as positive 4-5 It’s possible to become pregnant again very soon after your abortion; an egg can be released as early as 8 days after the procedure, which means you could become pregnant again before you even have your next period. I can't get into the clinic again until end of next week as they are busy. 4mm still no detectable HB. Do not accept the pills by post system without a scan first. There have sadly been many people who have become very unwell, and even a case of a woman who sadly died, due to taking the pills when being further along in pregnancy than they thought they were. It doesn’t help his sister is pregnant and due next month and only 22 we both found out at the same time and it makes me feel shit !. The answer is yes; you can get pregnant after an abortion and relatively quickly. This topic is for sharing experiences of pregnancy choices; to debate the ethics of termination, After Abortion 1 reply Hope9 · 09/02/2023 15:09 Hey mumsnet, I am looking for some experiences. So I booked an appointment an Ttc after abortion, periods 14 replies Kber30 mixed emotions kinda hopeful of looking forward but still broken from what had happened. I got my negative pregnancy test 21 days after surgery, first ovulated 30 days after the surgery and my period came 43 days after the surgery. We weren’t using contraception. I have no one else to speak to, no females I can confide in. I told the nurse and still went ahead with the termination. (I know it sounds crazy but it definitely feels like movement/banging. I am so sorry you are going through the pain right now-- those first few weeks after was the worst time of my whole life. They did bloods first and my HCG was still 9400 had a scan and although I’d had really heavy bleeding after the abortion meds and passed lots of big clots there was still lots of tissue left and an empty pregnancy sac. Hi, I completed my termination on Thursday. I’ve had sickness from my missed period :( xx Hi I had a medical termination six weeks ago, I done a low sensitivity test 3 weeks after which was negative ( did it in the late afternoon with a dribble of urine ) I have had positive store bought tests since and today I done a clear blue digital which says pregnant 1-2, could this be a new pregnancy as I had unprotected intercourse a week after the abortion but used the But I would say that if you're still bleeding after 3 weeks OR if you're still getting clear positives on pregnancy tests then worth getting in touch with an EPU to check things over. It turned out I was pregnant during our wedding; I found out about 5 days afterwards. Hey guys. we’ve both said we want children in the I know you say the baby would have brought positivity but you still would have lost your job and you’d still be job hunting, only while pregnant. So 3 weeks ago I had a medical abortion, today Iv tested positive on a clear blue digital it says 1-2 weeks, iv panicked and got another clear blue and there is a slight line. I had a medical abortion 5 days ago and my bleeding still hasn't reduced. At 3 weeks I was still bleeding, pregnancy symptoms had massively eased off but hadn't gone entirely so I gave them a call for some advice I was around 5 weeks and a few days pregnant when i had my abortion. I was just getting weak day by day. 5 weeks ago. I have now found myself obsessed with being pregnant I will always notice pregnant women etc and I know when my due date would Have been and I know how many weeks I would have been now. I saw the consultant after and she said 6 sections isn't unheard of but not common, said it would be very high risk, and seemed (to me) to be saying abortion would be the better optionwould be the I’m pregnant with our third. I had an surgical abortion 6weeks+3days ago for personal reasons. I told him straight away and did a test infront of him which came up positive. Pregnancy tests after abortion pills Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet Pregnancy Watch Save Share TTC immediately after abortion 17 replies EMcG3 · 11/10/2022 18:05 taking a pregnancy test after you have bled and confirming that it is definitely negative. i am in my early twenties and dec At the start of May, me and my partner found out I was pregnant. It was a very difficult decision and I kept changing my mind. The last 4/5 days I have been feeling twitches and a fluttering feeling, that remind me of early movements. No doubt, many, many, women have instantly regretted it. A friend of mine went through with a pregnancy after a failed abortion. I got pregnant on purpose weeks after the abortion. I have been absolutely devastated because I wanted to wait until my 15 month old was at @YnysMon20 I’ve had the same thing I was 9 weeks I bled a lot passing clots everything was fine until I took a test two weeks later it was positive but the line was faint I don’t feel pregnant but I’m still having the urge to wee I had a scan few days after my abortion they said the baby wasn’t there and I just have left over clots but what I don’t get is why am I still weeing What a difficult situation. DH told me if I didn’t have an abortion he’d leave us so I told him to jog on then. I was diagnosed with hyperemesis again in this pregnancy and knew i wouldnt be able to cope so i believe i made the right choice. I'm quite concerned because I'm still getting bad cramping I'm bleeding that's more than just spotting. I think it was around 3 weeks after due to another pregnancy scare (Yes, 18, in an abusive relationship and extremely stupid before anyone judges 🙈). It can STILL be the right decision. (I never have indigestion) Made coffee yesterday (as soon as I was pregnant coffee was no longer pleasant but I loveeee coffee when not pregnant) Had to rush to the washroom to throw up after a sip of coffee. I was two months gone by then and had no idea. I have 2 children already; aged 3 and 2. I went through with the termination, and the day after I took the tablets, he ghosted me for a week. I have been pregnant 3 times before and definitely feels like that rather than wind or something. And then it was normal every month after that. I was given a pregnancy test to do a week after taking the abortion pills, which was negative. Get yourself seen as soon as possible. I feel super scared right now and even more irresponsible than before. i fell pregnant july 2022 and had an abortion for the right reasons and was my decision. I rang the clinic back and was laughed at and told there is no that I would still be pregnant after bleeding and cramping. I have had a scan at 12 weeks and the specialist raised enough concern as she couldn't determine the feet and right hand how she wanted to. to go back after a week (today) was re scanned and the sac was well defined and embryo had grown to 2. I went to my GP and after ultrasound, I got to know that I was 16 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby boy. I'd say you might have some retained placenta in there which you'll find out on Friday I presume. I am not against abortion but I do find it sad as so many women I know who have had then regret them or feel sad about their decision many years later. I was pregnant but had to pause my natural emotions and joy. You need one after termination, and one a few days after, and if the number is less it means that the action was a success. I’m 41, I’ve got 2 lovely DC aged 5 and 3 and a supportive DH. I felt the most horrendous guilt afterwards and was also worried that I would never be able to get pregnant again. ) If I am still pregnant I would be 17 weeks tomorrow. Had a scan yesterday which showed some retained products - not sure how much but she said it wasn’t terrible! I’m booked in for surgery next week with a scan first incase it has changed. I also barely knew my partner after only a year. You’d still be in a room in your parents’ house, only trying to squeeze a baby in. We decided to do it the following weekend. Im 6 weeks pregnant and already hating being pregnant. all i would say is that the absolute desperate desire to have a child immediately after a termination is somewhat biological and feels almost animalistic. Be kind to yourself x @Anon7744885 thanks for replying, it’s good to hear I’m not the only one with children already and considering an abortion. I would never of known I wasn’t Exactly that did you feel grief after your abortion or relief? But I had 2 children and had the implant, so falling pregnant was absolutely not what I wanted. i am worrying due to health reasons and upcoming treatment unfortunately I had to have an abortion. I have a 12 year old daughter so it hurt me even more. If you think the pain of an abortion is bad then you will be in for a shock with labour and the weeks of pain after it. The clinic I went to have advised me not to keep the baby but I can't help feeling that it's fate. Hey mumsnet, I am looking for some experiences. This was two weeks ago. What does your DH say? We split soon after. You made a decision for sound reasons; terminating a pregnancy for reasons that are right for you does not preclude a feeling of regret or guilt. My husband and I ended up doing the deed on the day of my peak fertility (definitely thought we were way before it, but the OPK said otherwise). Please sort out contraception, get something long term like a coil or implant. I told my 2nd pregnancy test last saturday and there was a very very faint line. Turns out I was. Some women like to take HCB (beta) hormone blood tests to control for pregnancy. My initial reaction was that I wanted an abortion. I had a medical abortion at 6+4 earlier this year. I feel so alone right now. I had an MA 14 days ago, and I am experiencing complete discomfort whilst having sex. Had a medical abortion 2. I had the abortion at around 6/7 weeks pregnant and although I was upset after, I still knew it was the right thing to do. I still made the decision, and I haven't regretted it, but it was far more stressful than the time before. He pressured me into a abortion I cried the whole way to there and during. I found myself pregnant when I was on 5 week I get panicked and I try to terminate my baby but my abortion is failed and I get clots and bleeding but not that much I took one oral and two in vagina tablet name is breeky eni how I have some very personal reason so I don’t want to continue right now but when I went to Dr she checked me very well I don’t tell her Get updates on how your baby develops, your body changes, and what you can expect during each week of your pregnancy by signing up to the Mumsnet I emotional repercussions, for others it's a life changing traumatic experience. but a week after i have had the abortion, i started having sore breast. I think the following month my cycle was 39 days, then 35 days. I took the test after 3 weeks to confirm wether or not it had worked and there was a faint positive line. I've been in bed and crying n This was my test 24 days after the abortion if it makes you feel better. I called the clinic they put me in an appointment in 3 days. I’ve been on anti depressants since March and trying counselling. Also if you can speak to your GP asap. Baby Darkside is now 3 months old and the best things that's ever happened to me. Hi everyone, I had a medical abortion 4 weeks ago this coming Saturday, everything (so I think) seemed to go as it should, I started bleeding the following day after the pills which I took the evening before and bled a heavy ish period for around a week/ week and a half. This is my main worry, how I will feel after. If you’ve been told you can get a positive pregnancy test 6 weeks post abortion then wait for 2 weeks and test again. I was 8/9 weeks when i had the abortion, i went for an appointment to discuss my options etc, and booked medical abortion. You are still early, so you have time to decide, I would definitely take that time to really weigh everything up and consider how you feel. @Bloodycats hopefully its just a bit earlyif you feel ok physically I'd wait another week and test again, it seems unlikely that you are still pregnant, hope all is ok!. It came as a complete shock and we both agreed that we didn’t believe we were ready. I had an abortion 3 months ago - my boyfriend pushed me into it very hard and I didn't feel like it was my decision. Still think about it but if I'd had that baby then I would never have gone travelling After taking the 4 tablets vaginally I bled after around 1 hour fairly heavy and passed around 3 large clots. Hello! HONEST REVIEW. Im over a week post treatment now and still hardly had any bleeding at all. I had a medical abortion 2 weeks ago after finding out I was pregnant with twins. I feel like the ships left the Dock and now feeling so guilty for wanting an abortion a word I never thought I'd say. I will be 39 this year and have a 10yr old so felt too old for babies. Just be honest with him from the start say this is how it is I’m pregnant I know it’s not ideal but I can’t contemplate abortion I hope you understand . 30 - pain was bearable for a couple of hours but I'll be honest, it got really intense for about 3 hours late afternoon, but its not constant, it like waves of cramping so in-between I made sure to have a boiling hot water bottle and took painkillers (I don't think they worked for the first hour) I then @KindleAndCake i was told to talk to the nurse however when I called the clinic the receptionist decided to make an appointment for me so that didn't happen. I had a medical abortion quickly after finding out. I found out last week the tablets didn’t work so I’m still pregnant and don’t know what to do. Have had period cramps, tender pelvic area and brown discharge for I had an abortion almost 6 weeks ago when I was 8 weeks pregnant. Thought it was my period coming back, blood got heavier with lots of gushing & palm-sized clots. He is adamant I have an abortion and wants to attend to prove I go through with it (I do not want him I'm due to terminate next week, medical ar 6 weeks. it came like the week after my scan and was normal. I was petrified I took the first pill yesturday. I've counted back and I would be about 17 weeks by now. Still regret abortion 18 months after 12 replies cherie01 Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale So 5 week today was the abortion. @fatisnotafeeling how are you feeling? I also just had my first period post abortion. I really can't abort a 13 week old fetus, it's just too far along now. I have an appointment booked to take my first pill next Wednesday and I'm absolutely dreading it. It’s all down to finances unfortunately. I have 2 children after IVF and fell pregnant 6 weeks after my son was born NATURALLY. I took the medication and expelled the tissue etc, however a few weeks later I still ‘felt’ pregnant. I actually think the nausea was far far far worse than being sick and I also contemplated the same due to the way I am feeling. And I 100% wanted an abortion. About 20 months ago, my partner of a year and I discovered we were pregnant after a split condom and an ineffective morning after pill. I know they can take a while to return but in a few days it’ll be about 7 weeks since my termination and I’m getting so paranoid that I’m pregnant again. I had coincidently bought a pack of two tests and I still haven't had a period so thought I would double check and what I think is a faint line has come up! I had an abortion recently (already have one DS 12mo) and am at college. I administered my medical abortion yesterday at 7 weeks pregnant, taking my second set of pills that enduce the bleeding around 9:10pm. g. My best friend didnt find out she was pregnant until she was 29 weeks (shocking i know) but she smoked, she drank, she was on medication you arent allowed to take in pregnancy. Some women even have full periods the whole pregnancy! I felt a bit guilty straight after my abortion but hormones and honestly now I feel nothing (I don't even really think about it unless something like this comes up) - the pain for me was like a bad period, I'd suggest pain killers, hot water bottle, chocolate and a film day - maybe ask someone to look after DD for the day and you take your time to recover My son was 5 months old and we found out I was pregnant. I still haven't had sex again as was told to wait 2 weeks. There are lots of other threads on mumsnet of women who have felt similar to you though and very confused as to why they feel like this when they planned being pregnant. Unplanned pregnancy with new (now ex) boyfriend, contraception failure and I know I cant cope alon Abortion has been mentioned, I went for an emergency scan today when I realised, scan showed 9 weeks healthy baby with a heartbeat, implanted in the right place. Still passing clot not as big and still bleeding with cramping like a normal cycle. Wondering if anyone can help me. I was still feeling very unwell (severe pregnancy sickness and high blood pressure: my reasons for not being able to continue with the pregnancy to begin with) after the pills, went back to the clinic who confirmed I was still pregnant. cvsd wlray gmt qevwaa xxphnn aiatw rjfxhum jbzm zoz leclk